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Duty to inform according to §5 e-commerce law, §14 company code, §63 trade regulations and disclosure duty according to §25 media law.

Kreuzbauer IT GmbH
Kellerstraße 31
5082 Groedig

Manager: Wilfried Kreuzbauer
Corporate purpose: IT services 
UID-Number: ATU67162599
EORI-Number: ATEOS1000126600
Company registration number: 379436
Commercial register court: Salzburg

T +43 6246 98239-10 | F +43 6246 98239-50
Mail: office(at)
Member of WKO


EU Dispute Resolution

Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU Online Dispute Resolution Platform: You can also send any complaints to the e-mail address above.

Liability for contents of this website

We are constantly developing the contents of this website and make every effort to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of any content on this website, especially that provided by third parties. Should you notice problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately, you will find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the imprint.

Copyright notice

All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorized use of parts of the contents of our site.

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